Friday, March 16, 2007

The Legal Profession

I find myself working with the legal profession on two fronts at the moment. The first is professional and the work I return to the UK for on Sunday. The professions believe they are unique and like nobody else but when it comes down to it they have the same souls, hearts, brains and bladders as all of us. But in one way they are different - service. I am just selling my house and it seems that the world of email has not quite reached the legal profession yet. The solicitors of my buyer have raised a number of fairly minor points about my house with my solicitors. The logical thing to do would have been to phone me up or send me an email outlining those points. I could then reply to them right away. Instead it seems that this all has to be done by post. A letter to me which will take about a week to draft no doubt and then another week for them to reply to the buyer's solicitors. In the meantime I continue to pay for a house I am not living in and the buyer continues to rent a house they don't want to live in. The solicitor gets their cash either way. Am I sounding bitter? Probably not. Just frustrated.

This has been a non-week I am ashamed to say. Preparing for some work I really do not want to do, waiting for approval for a book idea which sadly seems unlikely to happen and also waiting to hear about work in Kosovo, Rome and Nepal. I have not mastered the art of 'waiting' for anything and sadly impatience is probably the thing that damages my well-being more than any other. I seem unable to do anything slowly. I either don't do it at all or my pace is frenetic. I love that latin phrase 'Festina Lente' (make haste slowly). The old motto of the Fabians. But I have to learn to apply it to my life.

I realise the 'down' tone of this and recognise that a number of you read my blog for the positive angle. Today, I guess is just one of those days and even positive thinkers are allowed the odd one! I suspect my return to London will fire me as it usually does. I am a city animal.

Today's music; Free Form - Joe Harriott

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