Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ohrid, Macedonia

A short blog tonight as it is late and I am tired but what a beautiful place to be. I am in Ohrid the second city of Macedonia which sits on a large lake of the same name. Tonight I sat on the balcony of the hotel room and watched the sun set behind the mountains. The mountains turned bright red and were reflected almost perfectly onto the lake. There was no wind but a slight mist and the lake mirrored the mountains with a soft haze just challenging you to look a little more closely. There were almost no clouds and the temperature was deliciously crisp. I have got my vigour back which has been missing over the last few days. Although I am looking forward to getting back I am also pleased to be here. It must be one of the most beautiful spots in Europe.

The journey from Pristina to Ohrid took 5 hours. Great scenery again although a particularly sad sight in a town called Bitola as I saw the disgusting, rubbish strewn area where the Roma live. The Roma are treated badly by almost everyone. I read once that they are descendants of the Indians. Their skin colour is very similar. The difference is of course that India is on the verge of being a 21st century superpower while the Roma will remain impoverished Europeans – ignored in the East and the West.

Tomorrow night I will report on my work with people from over 50 nations. That will be an experience.

The song of the day is an album – Orchestra Baobab: Pirate’s Choice. I am working with many Africans tomorrow and I hope they will enjoy my musical choice.

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