Saturday, December 15, 2007

Snow in the Sud

10 minutes from the Mediterranean and we have thick snow. Izzy, my naughty youngest has never seen real snow before and is transfixed. Lily, nearly eight is now building an 'homme de neige'. I have a garden full of happy children - about eight at the moment because Lily is the social animal par excellence. 10 days ago I was in the 35 degree heat of Port Au Prince Haiti. What a change. Extremes are wonderful.

This morning I have had english TV installed. Anyone who has had to endure french TV - endless programmes of people talking in the studio - will understand my joy.

And from a persoanl point of view I made an early start on the new book and good progress is being made. This has to be written by January 20. 35,000 words to go. 1000 per day.

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